Tuesday, September 06, 2005

New Orleans Shows Bush's Disregard for the Poor

The current debacle is just the latest episode to show that Bush and his cronies care much more about their rich and powerful friends than average citizens.

Just a casual glance at the images of the ruined city make it clear that the majority of the victims stranded in the city during the hurricane were poor and black. Now I’m not calling the administration racist. I’m just saying that they have never truly cared about the poor and downtrodden.

If a similar disaster had occurred in Orange County, California, or a similar wealthy, white bastion of conservatism, I think it’s safe to say that help would have been sent immediately. It would be foolish to ignore the roles race and class play in this tragedy.

The people whose lives were most deeply affected by Katrina were the ones who could not afford to leave the city-the poor. These are the same people who have been most hurt by the war in Iraq as well. As their sons and daughters come home in coffins, Bush’s friends in corporate America are lining their pockets with war profits. It must be nice to be so isolated from reality.

It's time to stop ignoring class in America. We live in a classist society, and we have a president who grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth, a president who is so isolated from ordinary Americans that he cannot relate to them. The poor in New Orleans, and the poor across the country, are the real victims. We live in a country where millions live each day in poverty, and it's time to stop ignoring this.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post. I don't know who those fucknuts are who are saying you don't do anything, but I think people need to remember that there are many different ways to show your displeasure with our government. You do several effectively and should be commended for your efforts towards building a more liberal nation.

1:33 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

thanks for the support, jesse!

5:22 PM  

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